Man’s Ruin Pt 4: The Making of Sgt. Rock

Man’s Ruin Pt 4: The Making of Sgt. Rock

The insect like buzz of the tattoo machine filled the jungle night. Sgt. Rock twisted his neck in the strangle hold of Stella Von Stern so he could see the doorway. A shadowy figure loomed at the entrance, the moonlight glinting on the needle tip of the tattoo gun. Elsa Von Strap-On clicked her heels and marched smartly into the room.

“Pin him down Von Strap-On I shall begin my dictation…”

Here we shall continue

“Vell his dick vill not be tation so vell after we’re done vith him.” Smirked Elsa.

“Ja, and it seems his little soldier isn’t standing at attention no longer.” Remarked Stella. “Ve might need to send it to the brig.”

Elsa Von Strap-On shoved him over on his back and sat on his chest as she pulled off one of her boots. The She-Kommandant then proceeded to step on the Sergeants manhood and grind her stockinged foot on it like she was putting out a cigarette on the sidewalk.

“Vell,” began Stella, “it looks like the little soldier is up for a little basic training. Go ahead and brand him as a traitor. Tattoo our emblem on his foreskin as vell as on his little helmet.”

“No, please, I’ll talk, I’ll talk!” Pleaded Sgt. Rock.

“Much too late for that now!” Laughed Stella Von Stern as Elsa began piercing his manhood with the tattoo machine. He squirmed as ink and blood doted his foreskin until Elsa grabbed his genitals and squeezed them hard.

“Move again and you’ll lose these little knapsacks.” She threatened.

The only sound in the jungle, besides his gurgling and the buzz of the tattoo machine, was the She-Kommandants sinister laughter. When Stella Von Strap-On was finished she looked down to admire her handy-work.

“Nicely done, Elsa, there is no vay he can ever rejoin his ranks now and not be branded a traitor. They vill think he is a spy and devoted solely to us! Now vat vas it you vere about to tell us, little man?” Said Stella resting a boot on his chest.

Sgt. Rock was full of rage. He was not about to let them win. He could always get the tattoo removed, he thought.
“All right, I’ll talk. There’s nothing to gain for me now except salvation. My top-secret mission here was to…”

“Vell?” The She-Kommandants said, in unison, leaning forward.

“Our mission was a panty raid! We were supposed to clean the island of all the She-Kommandants’ panties to neutralize your forces!”

“For that you vill pay dearly!” Snapped Stella. They grabbed him by the arms and dragged him to a post centered in a large wooden bucket full of water. Tying his arms and ankles to the post left him immobile.

“Ve have vays of making you talk.” Said Stella smiling wickedly. Elsa rolled over a cart holding a car battery. From each of the battery charges ran a cable ending in a wand that Elsa handed Stella. Elsa then shaved Wenzell’s genitals as he pleaded while sweat ran down his face like a river. She purposely did not dry off the water after rinsing him.

“It seems the big, tough, GI is not so tough after all. Vould you like some cheese to go with that vine?” The Teutonic Temptress said grinning wide. “Now vot is your wank and mission?”

Sgt. Rock paused with wide eyes as she waved the wand in front of his face.

“My wank belongs to you and my mission is…YE-OW!”

Stella Von Stern touched the wand to his genitals sending jolts of electricity through him before he could finish.

“Too slow, worm. If you are to be a devoted slave, you must learn to answer your superiors much quicker!” ZAP! ZAP! “Now vot is your mission!” ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!

Wenzell Rock could only scream, as he never had a chance to answer. She kept it up until he passed out much later. When he awoke he found his combat fatigues replaced with a maid’s uniform and chains. He whimpered as Elsa Von Strap-On shoved a mirror in his face to reveal it covered in make-up with a wig covering his head.

“Vine, maid.” Stella called to him without looking up from some documents she was reading. He stood to grab a silver wine tray Elsa motioned to. She swiftly kneed him in the groin dropping him back to his knees.

“You vill not stand in a superiors presence! You vill crawl on your knees to her and offer it to her respectfully.” Elsa commanded.

He whimpered and did as he was told, scraping his knees on the rough bamboo floor all the way across the room with the chains jingling. He held the tray up to Stella and waited.

“It seems our little maid needs more conditioning, Elsa. He does not know how to greet a superior by kissing her feet and is too stupid to pour the vine for her!”

Wenzells heart raced as Elsa Von Strap-On sauntered over and raised his maid’s skirt to reveal his lacey pink panties. She began administering welts on his buttocks with a crop until he set the tray aside and began covering Stella’s boots with kisses. She lifted her boot and stepped down on the top of his head bringing it to the floor.

“I do believe he’s not being sincere. Elsa Von Strap-On, vill you do vot you do best and subjugate this lowly creature so he knows his proper place in the vorld?”

“It vill be my pleasure, commander. He vill yearn to grovel at our feet after I’m done vit him!”
Sgt. Rock struggled to look behind him and his eyes grew to saucer size when he saw the She-Kommandant smiling at him while she buckled on a strap-on dildo.

“Please, Mistress Stella, please don’t allow this! I will serve you and do as you wish!” He pleaded. “I will tell you all you want to know about my mission and much, much more!”

“Silly pet, I have known before ve captured you vot your feeble little mission vas! Continue please, sweet Elsa.”

Not a sergeant, or a rock, or much less a man anymore, Wenzells screams echoed throughout the jungle island…

by CK

Man’s Ruin
Click the Links below to Read all 4 Parts

About Mistress Sidonia

Supreme Ruler of The English Mansion. Leather clad 'n' booted bitch, highly sexed, cruel male slave owner and trainer.
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