Xmas is comming and so here are a few English Mansion suggestions of presents for the discerning kinkster 😉
The Aliens are Cumming – Area 51 Love Doll; Bondage Barbie; Poo & Pee poppets (apparently aids for toilet training kids); Roe Deer backside bottle opener; “”I’m your Slave” Gimp apron; Squatty Potty (see below); Bondage Wheel Knife Block; & the Virgin Mary Pierced Labia wall ornament (rather beautiful, the divine feminine).
The internet is such a diverse place with many a wondrous tale for those who love the droll side of kink, so here are a few interesting short clips from YouTube… enjoy
High School Girl?
This Unicorn Changed the Way I Poop
This is dedicated to Mistress Evilyne 🙂
Cavalry Charge
Furries Aren’t As Weird As You Think