Photo: Miss Jessica Woods, Lady Nina Birch & Miss Eve Harper (from A Well Trained Husband)
The Perv Index: Femdom Fiction
He knocked on the door and it was promptly opened by Miss Jill. He entered the apartment taking in the décor and the soft ambience of the furnishings and art on the walls. Ms Harper had invited him for a celebratory drink to ‘cement’ as she put it their new business partnership. The ink was still probably drying on the contract which they had signed just that afternoon, he reflected. It had been the culmination of months of negotiation, with a particularly intense phase during the latter stages. She was a hard nosed business person, but the deal was mutually beneficial.
He had cancelled his voluntary work that evening at the last moment. The local community group would have to do without his talk on family values. His wife too had been somewhat discommoded, but he explained to her that it was important to see out the formulation of this contract. And now there she was. Miss Harper stood in the living room. She was still in business dress, minus the jacket. She held a glass in her hand.
“Good evening Michael,” she intoned. “I’m glad you could make it, to get our new partnership off to a promising start.”
Miss Jill appeared at this side with a tulip glass of champagne. He accepted it and approached Ms Harper. She held out his glass and they duly clinked.
“To many promising years of business,” she toasted.
Another woman entered the room.
“This is another business partner of mine, Michael,” said Ms Harper.
“Meet Zita.”
He gladly took her hand, noticing straight away her ample cleavage. Zita took a seat, while Ms Jill fetched her a drink. Ms Harper took his arm.
“Stand over here, you bitch,” she said. He started, unsure of what he had heard.
“What,” he said.
“Oh you heard me, stand over here.”
He took up his place where she directed against the wall. She clicked her fingers. From around the far corner a guy appeared, bare chested bar an apron which covered his groin area. Apart from that he seemed to be naked. He inhaled sharply.
“What the hell,” he thought.
“Michael, I’d like you to meet my manservant, Pierre,” Ms Harper said.
“Pierre performs a variety of household tasks for me, as well as providing copious entertainment for me and my friends. He has many uses and talents. Isn’t that right, Pierre?”
The servant, if that what he was, nodded.
He was well toned and in great shape.
Ms Harper continued: “I thought we’d relax and celebrate our deal Michael. Pierre here is going to help.”
With that she started unbuttoning her skirt. It slipped off. Again she clicked her fingers. As if on cue Pierre approached her and dropped to his knees. As if well practiced he began to remove her black lace panties using his mouth. It took two circuits of her, but eventually her panties slipped to the floor.
He inhaled sharply and he could feel the beads of sweat forming on his neck. What was going on here he thought. He could also feel something else taking shape in his pants, a direct reaction to what he was seeing. Ms Jill and Zita had now began to slowly strip, divesting themselves of their attire in a teasing fashion. Ms Harper turned to him, naked except for her sexy stockings and business shirt.
“Not exactly Sunday school, now is it Michael,” she giggled.
She approached him, leaning her face close into his and whispering into his ear.
“You see you won the contract not just for what you were bringing in a business sense.
“I had plenty of other offers, which I carefully vetted. But you were the one who made the grade.
“And you know, why?”
He looked at her dumbstruck and shook his head.
She grabbed his crotch, her fingers exploring and her palm encapsulating and rubbing his manhood.
“You see Michael, you registered on what I call my Perv Index. None of the others did.
“I saw the way you looked at me on those summer days when I wore a low cut dress. I saw you stealing glances at my cleavage. I saw the way you took in Ms Jill’s arse when she brought us in papers. I saw the bulge in your pants, which is now in my hands.”
With that she undid his belt, pulling it off with an exclamatory force. She unbuttoned his fly and aggressively pulled down his pants and his boxers.
“My, what have we here,” she exclaimed.
She cupped his balls and the hand which only hours before he had watched with assiduity sign the contract, now stroked his unashamedly erect penis.
“You see, Michael, I looked at you and I saw your true nature. I knew you were a perv. And I knew then I could bend you to my will. It’s a very important quality for me in a business partner.
“Now to christen our new arrangement, so to speak, Pierre here is going to go down on you.”
He recoiled. “What,” he spluttered.
She clicked her fingers and the manservant approached and knelt in front of him.
“Oh yes, Pierre is going down on you as a treat for us all as we get to know each other as business partners. It will the first of many such entertainments which are a little bonus of our partnership.
“My advice is to embrace it. You are my business partner now. That entails fulfilling certain lifestyle expectations which I require of my social and business associates. You will get used to it. We are going to have a very fruitful partnership in so many ways. You will find it fulfilling in so many ways.”
“But I….,” he stammerd.
“Shut the fuck up, you bitch,” she snarled.
She yanked the collar on Pierre’s neck, pulling him into the protuberance, which now stood almost glistening under the lights. Michael closed his eyes as he felt the physical contact. The slime of the tongue as it slid up his penis, coming to rest on the head, which he initially kissed and then licked. The mouth enveloped the head and he went deep. Michael swooned back his head as the first rush of pleasure hit him. He had signed on the dotted line. The contract was now activated.
by slave P
Lucky Michael x enjoy your long weekend MSVB
Kindest regards
What an inestimably lucky an supremely privileged hubby,
to be honoured to supplicate himself in servitude to three
of the most supreme Goddesses.
Oh to be able to share such a fate,
but this has to remain a day dream,
a preoccupation of my deepest psyche.
Rather than the ecstatic reality of a blissful union.
Dang, that was hot. Thank you!
A magnificent study of male servitude to a strong and cruel domineering woman/Goddess! watched on by two equally sadistic female terrors for their unholy enjoyment! Glorious!