Skool Rules! ~ Sissy Femdom Comic Strip

Skool Rules! ~ Sissy Femdom Comic Strip

For all to enjoy, our fun femdom comic strip Skool Rules with Miss Eve Harper as the strict head taking charge of naughty Jade Jones. All photos taken from the film Skool Sanctions, now showing inside the Mansion.

About Mistress Sidonia

Supreme Ruler of The English Mansion. Leather clad 'n' booted bitch, highly sexed, cruel male slave owner and trainer.
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4 Responses to Skool Rules! ~ Sissy Femdom Comic Strip

  1. Barry Cross says:

    Mistress Sidonia
    I’m old enough to have had corporal punishment at my mixed secondary modern school, administered by the Headmaster and gym master.
    I don’t know if the girls had to see a Headmistress for their admonishment.
    Regrettably I missed out on being disciplined by either a Headmistress or Female Teacher,
    That would have put me on the right path from the beginning.
    At 70 I am as a consequence of missing this essential behavioural therapy still a recalcitrant reprobate.
    Is it too late for me to enrol at your skool?
    I am afraid to say that as a heterosexual male I will have to be forced to wear this skool uniform.
    I fear that will mean my receiving detention doubtless prolonged indefinitely.
    With severe brutal punishment for failing to obey skool rules.
    Your Obedient Supplicant

    • You need to be put back on the right path immediately! Over my knee for a spanking, then the desk for the cane… You’ll then stand in the corner and show off your reddened bottom to everyone. Headmistress MSVB

  2. Gussetking says:

    Oh to be taught by Miss Harper … mmmm

  3. johnny says:

    Oh je suis totalement soumis à la suprématie féminine, j’aime etre féminiser et sodomiser par des femmes, exhiber , humilier……

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