Skin Two Magazine – Long To Reign Over Us


Skin Two Magazine – Issue 65 is now available

Skin Two Magazine was founded by publisher Tim Woodward and photographer Grace Lau, in 1983, after a get-together in an underground fetish club in Soho, London. The first issue was just 16 pages stapled together and only 1,000 copies were printed in B&W. Something quite different from the now legendary, stylish, glossy quarterly fetish fashion Magazine that is sold around the world. Its success spawned a website, clothing line, shop and the Skin Two Rubber Ball (once the world’s most famous annual fetish event).

Skin Two as a name was a reference to your ‘second skin’ or alter fetish ego; and the nature of fetish wear such as rubber which is like a new skin. And, wearing rubber is earlyskintwocertainly a major theme of the magazine. It’s always filled with pages of stunning rubber glamour photography and other fetish wear. It also covers fetish parties around the world and includes information and features on fetishism and BDSM.
(Left: Two early Skin Two issues.)
Today it is also available in a downloadable digital version.

I think we all have a lot to be thankful for to Skin Two, the magazine has done much to promote the fetish world – its glamour and intellect have given a certain respectability SkinTwo-Issue22-and credibility to our world while also bringing it to a mainstream audience. It opened up a dialogue with the ‘Vanilla world’. And, most importantly it showcased and discovered the huge underground talent that exists in the fetish world and the myriad of ways this can be expressed. Photography, art, writers, clothing designers, fetish models, performance artists, elaborates equipment builders, filmmakers to name just a few. A whole emerging movement was validated.

For many small traders, what began as a small cottage industry within this cult world, has today turned into successful businesses and some small part of that must be laid at the feet of Skin Two Magazine.

You can order the most recent issues of the Skin Two Magazine here as printed hard copies (glossy magazines) or digital download versions are available for the back catalogue of all 65 issues here. For other Skin Two and other fetish & BDSMΒ related publications visit You can also visit the Skin Two website ( for clothing, event info, galleries & fetish community pages.

About Mistress Sidonia

Supreme Ruler of The English Mansion. Leather clad 'n' booted bitch, highly sexed, cruel male slave owner and trainer.
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2 Responses to Skin Two Magazine – Long To Reign Over Us

  1. Iany says:

    Its good to see some praise for Skin Two which is often dismissed as a coffee table fetish fashion magazine but has published many thoughtful and interesing articles over the years. One I remember in particular concerned the BDSM undertones in Shakespeare through an analysis of Taming of the Shrew. My English teacher at school failed to spark any interest in me for the Bard so thanks to Skin Two for that one. SWMBO has been impressed with this enthuiasm and has ordered me to take her to the Globe to see Anthony and Cleopatra. She’s going to love it.

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