Seductress: Madam Esmeralda

Seductress: Madam Esmeralda

Madam Esmeralda is a stunning, curvaceous young prodom and fetish model. A princess of tease and natural seductress she loves to tie, tease and abuse her charges, all of whom easily fall under her mesmerizing spell. She is also a expert anal invader who likes to open up and peg willing boys. She is based in East London.
See all her links here

Donโ€™t miss out on the femdom films & VR Experience including Spun Teased Spun & Cruel To Be Kind featuringย Madam Esmeralda showing right now inside The English Mansionโ€ฆย Get Access Here

About Mistress Sidonia

Supreme Ruler of The English Mansion. Leather clad 'n' booted bitch, highly sexed, cruel male slave owner and trainer.
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