In The Beginning

Mistress-Sidonia-the-creation---… and She was alone and said, I will cause living creatures to surround me, submit to me and cover the face of the earth. And She let water flow out of Her crotch and issued a bit of Her spinal marrow to fall out of Her onto the earth. First it was crawling and cringing like a worm and it took some of the character of the earth on itself – the actual earth that She had been standing on. She took it – it was very soft and moldable and She formed it the way it should look and told it how it should behave. And She told it to multiply and cover the earth.

That way She created the insects of the earth; the fish of the sea; snakes, dogs, cattle of the land; and finally man. He shall be similar to me, a servile counterpart who completes me, loves me tenderly and devotedly, does hard work for me and carry my seed until I will use it to reproduce. This man shall not reproduce like the animals but return to me or my Daughters in complete sumission and yield Her seed that he has been carrying for Her all his life; and She will produce new human life in Her body. My Daughters must never regard him as creative authority but as servile and submissive counterpart – as every man is.

And she looked down at him and said this is now hair of my hair, flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. He shall be called man because he was made by and from Wo-man. And She made him grow until his hands could reach Her bosom and then She stopped letting him grow. And they lived happily and multiplied and kept everything She said and desired until … the fall of mankind, when one wicked man tricked His Superiour Lady to give to much power to him…

And, we all know and experience the outcome, but a movement is starting that makes WoMankind return to Her original order and Happiness.

Mistress Sidonia thanks her devoted slave A for this version of ‘the’ story.

*Please note: Mistress Sidonia is not the Messiah, she’s just a very naughty girl!

About Mistress Sidonia

Supreme Ruler of The English Mansion. Leather clad 'n' booted bitch, highly sexed, cruel male slave owner and trainer.
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One Response to In The Beginning

  1. bootslavewilliam says:

    Nice piece of writing, slave A!

    I am an uncompromising atheist but, in addition to believing that Mother Earth is what we humans (that most disappointing and too often despicable of species) should be fundamentally admiring of and respectful to (and therefore spiritual about), I also believe deeply in the true and genuine submission of males to wise Dominant Females, those who realise and really understand, and do not misuse or corrupt, their natural power over us. Unfortunately, there are far, far too few of them.

    I am incredibly lucky and fortunate to have in my life my very own Goddess to worship and devote myself to daily… despite all of the maddening vanilla pressures and distractions out there. I was truly born to serve Her and any Woman She shares me with… and I cannot help but state (as I have to my Goddess) that I would love to be shared with/loaned to Mistress Sidonia some day, for I sense that She genuinely understands and lives Female Domination… and very, wonderfully, kinkily!

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