5 Reasons Why Older Dommes are Pretty Awesome
or the Rise of the Cougar Domme 
1. Sexual Confidence
2. Technical Ability
3. Sex Drive
4. Chic Sophistication
5. Experience
So what is a Cougar? It’s a sexually predatory older woman who knows what she wants… and how to get it. Cougars are part of a new breed of mature single women who don’t necessarily want children, cohabitation or commitment. It’s female empowerment for women over 40. And there are plenty of men their age and younger who are willing to be taken advantage of.
Today’s women in their 40s are healthy with great bodies and look younger than ever with nutritious diets, fitness regimes and advances in non-invasive cosmetic surgery. The aim is not to look younger, just to look amazing for your age. Older women are often skilled sexually, fabulous in bed, sexually liberated in ways younger women may find eye-opening and can probably teach their younger partners a thing or two.
So naturally all Cougars are Dommes at heart: and all older Dommes are Cougars 🙂 And we mustn’t forget Pumas women in their 30s & Jaguars women in their 50s who are also pretty accomplished dominatrixes. So here are…
Style, sophistication, elegance and legs that go on & on… Goddess Zena
5 Reasons Why Older Dommes Are Pretty Awesome
1. Sexual Confidence
In your youth you need to take time exploring your sexuality and discovering your preferences, finding out what you like. Well you don’t know till you’ve tried it. Older dommes have probably had a “few” sexual and play partners which is going to make them well versed in their desires. You need considerable maturity and sexual confidence to know what you want – in order to be able to command someone else to give it to you!
2. Technical Ability
Let’s face it a lot of BDSM is super technical: electrics; suspension & mummification; enemas; milking & fucking machines – are just some of the classic ‘tools’ of the trade. It takes years, with many hours of practice (and many horrible messy mistakes, with perhaps a trip to A&E) to become totally adept.
Puma on her way to Cougarhood, Viturperess and Queen of Tease Mistress T
3. Sex Drive
I don’t know if it’s hormonal but I know from experience a woman’s sex drive increases as she matures and the desire is for quality, satisfying encounters. Scientific studies argue that the rise of the cougar, an older woman’s desire for more and more sex, it’s just an unconscious primal last chance for a bambino. For me, I can attest it’s just more and better sex!
4. Chic Sophistication
Older dommes are killer dressers, after years of outfit faux pas, they now know what suits them. (They’ve done the purple hair, extensions, shaved bits and panda eyed goth look.) Plus they know what trappings turn men on and how to use their attire as part of a seduction.
5. Experience
Older dominatrixes have seen it all before, they’ve got the T-shirt, nothing is going to shock or embarrass them. When someone tells me a little about what they are interested in (or what they don’t!) I immediately know other areas they will love before they do, years of experience have shown me how certain fetishes compliment each other. I have the skill, the confidence and the experience to effortlessly take them on an awesome adventure. Trust me – I can still blow a sub’s mind in a hotel room at 3am with some toothpaste, the cord from a dressing gown, a bottle from the mini bar and a rolled up copy of a travel magazine 🙂
Fashionista, rubber elegance personified and technical BDSM expert Miss Velour
A very interesting piece, Mistress Sidonia, and one I can easily relate to, especially regarding the sexual confidence and knowledge that come with greater maturity, as well as women in their forties making full use of that overwhelming Female weapon: our natural, sheer feminine seductive power (including sexy clothing and footwear) that, when deployed effectively, males are too weak to resist.
As for the increased sex drive, well, I ABSOLUTELY agree! Plus, I have never been more certain of what I want and DEMAND sexually. My slut can readily testify to that! That’s why he/it is my totally controlled sex slave, and I would never have it any other way.
I really would love to have the opportunity to discuss and explore these topics, and more, with you in person one day. I have no doubt it would be wonderful to share a session with you involving the joint use of my slut property. Should you feel that taking advantage of such an opportunity would be desirable in the future, please do not hesitate to get in touch. I would be more than happy to hear from you and discuss achieving it! I really would.
In the meantime, my best wishes,
Goddess L
And a big beautiful butt, that’s very important.
“Wisdom is the Daughter of Experience”
Experience has proved without doubt, that serving and submitting to a Wise Domme
is best for me.
I guess a bit like Wisdom. Femdom is the Mistress of Experience.
(or something along those lines!)
With such beautiful Mistresses who wouldn’t want to serve. Older ladies have mystique, allure and the experience to control their subs. Slaves can learn the pleasure of being allowed to cum while being fucked by Mistress, and the greatest pleasure of all when that occurs hands free without any direct penis stiumlation. When that happens, you belong her.