Ice Bucket Challenge: My Nominees

nomineesSee my Ice Bucket Challenge here
Part of the challenge is to finish by nominating three new people to receive the bucket of ice cold water (this is done in aid of the charity ALS, you donate £5 if you do the challenge but must donate more if you don’t!).
So here we go…here are the impressive offerings from my nominees 🙂

Visit Mistress T here

Some sissies may have been harmed in the making of this video 🙂
Visit Lady Nina Birch here

Visit Mistress Evilyne here

Oh dear Mistress Nikki Whiplash had two nominations, I think that must mean double the punishment for some poor hapless boy… Can’t wait 🙂

And, Dickie Virgin has made a generous donation to the charity – serious kudos to him 🙂

About Mistress Sidonia

Supreme Ruler of The English Mansion. Leather clad 'n' booted bitch, highly sexed, cruel male slave owner and trainer.
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