Wax Play Pt 1
An Essential Guide to Everything you ever Wanted & Needed to know about Wax Play
Wax play is a great way to inflict slow sensuous pain, each drop imparting a momentary hot searing sensation onto the skin. Erotic hot fingers caressing and penetrating your body in an entirely unique way. Wax is visual, it’s dramatic, it has an intimacy and a punch – enough to get the endorphins flowing. Applied correctly wax should leave no marks nor do any damage to the skin, it most definitely should not cause scalds or burns. Yes, it may slightly redden the skin but this should pass after an hour or so. This is one of wax play’s major advantages – pain without lasting marks.
Types of Candle Wax
It’s essential to choose the correct type of wax for BDSM play, ones with a low melting point.
a) Firstly and most importantly, so it will not burn the skin;
b) But also because to use wax effectively you need it to be fast dripping or pourable.
So you need a soft wax that melts quickly while you are using it.
Candles are made from different types of wax, these melt at different temperatures. Most come from a derivative of petroleum, though there is also beeswax; tallow (animal fat wax); and natural waxes made from soy (beans) or plants. Generally, the higher the quality and cost, the harder the wax, the slower they burn. Like church pillar candles which are designed to burn for many hours as they are made from beeswax which has a very high melting point. So, this is one of the few areas of life where cheaper is better, as cheap candles burn quickly as the wax is softer and the softer the wax the lower the melting point.
Other factors may also increase the temperature of the hot wax – scented candles are made from essential oils and oil has a high burning temp. Most candle sticks contain hardeners (sterin or steric acid,) which increases the melt temperature to makes them burn longer with less drips. The dyes used for colours can make a candle burn hotter, this is especially true for richly pigmented candles. However, it’s best to use coloured candles, muted ones, as white, the most common candle colour is not ideal for candle wax play as it doesn’t show up well against the skin, thought it can work on darker skins.
Do Not Use
Beeswax candles
Long burning or very hard candles (including church pillar)
Metallic, richly pigmented or oil scented/perfumed candles
All have high melting points or contain hot oils and can seriously burn the skin. It’s best to buy specialist BDSM play candles or pouring wax with low melting points they come in fabulous colours and are easy to use. More about these later.
The width of a candle also affects the temperature. The flame is much hotter than the wax and the wider the candle, the greater the average distance to the flame. Thin candles of the same wax will be hotter and from personal experience I would advise against using birthday cake candles.