You’ve drooled over the super *hot* stars, tried to follow the weak plots, learned the skill of one-handed typing, got the T-Shirt and loved every moment… Now pay for it!
Don’t panic I’m not here to berate anyone, I do that enough to my subs 🙂 If you’re reading this you’ve probably been or are a member of The Mansion so I’m speaking to the converted. There is a serious issue though – free torrent and tube sites (there are some big names in here), have decimated the adult industry. Denying hard working individuals the true recompense for their work, with the added complication that they have little means to address the theft of their work. So here are 10 reason why you should pay for your kink:
10 Reasons Why
You Should Pay For Your Kink
1. Free Porn is Rubbish
Yes there are literally thousands of free sex torrent and tube sites but the content is old, not great quality or it’s just trailers. This is why all those sites look the same. You can’t properly search or find what you are looking for and the servers can be slow. Plus you have to do battle with endless pop-ups and other web junk assaulting you from all sides of the screen.
2. Quality Content & Real Engagement Lives Behind a Pay Wall
Members, clips & fan sites offer new & exclusive, high-quality content based on what their members want to see, it’s updated, at least weekly, often daily. They offer fast local servers allowing you to download or stream in fast time, have excellent customer support, offer HD & 4K resolution, high-quality photographs and even 3D interactive virtual reality experiences. Then there is the genuine fan interactions with performers, yes engagement with the real person! Live webcam shows, custom content, on-line training/activities. Large sites have comprehensive ways for you to search the hours of content they have on offer. (Inside the Mansion you can search by: domme, areas, tags, cloud, categories and keywords. You can see what’s new since your last visit & create a page of your favourite content.)
3. No Junk & No Risk
By paying to enter a site or follow a particular domme, e.g. on Only Fans, you will immediately avoid the endless stream of pop-up advertisements (hot babes near you who are looking for men!) and urgent flash player updates that you should definitely not download! You will dodge the possibility of viruses, malware & endless clickbait adverts. Plus by using reputable sites you’re not giving anyone access to your passwords and other personal data.
4. Support Women Creators & A New Era of Truly Consensual Content
You are supporting consensual content that the creator had total control over producing. The approach and business model of the adult industry has completely changed since the advent of the internet. It is no longer the bastion of men who in the past often produced offensive, brutal, misogynistic and criminal content. Women are no longer marginalised or exploited they are taking control, running their own businesses and it’s changing the face of adult entertainment.
5. You’re a Good Person
I know there’s probably no one reading this who hasn’t watched free porn on the web but remember mostly it’s not free! It’s stolen material. I understand it’s not like stealing from a shop, it’s like walking into a shop and there is no shopkeeper and a sign that says “please take the sweeties”. These sites have done a good job at convincing you that it’s OK to watch purloined content because they make it so easy to access. While watching it on your PC makes you feel hidden from your actions. You’d never walk into a cinema, watch a new blockbuster and not pay. The problem is it’s not a sustainable business model. Without the people who pay for porn, people won’t make porn. When you pay for content you are supporting the creators, the actual people who made it, who in turn can invest back into their businesses and continue to make quality content.
6. Help Balance out the Inherent Marginalization
Creators of adult content are already marginalized by the work they do (kink providers even more so), making it much harder for them to enforce copyright. They run legitimate companies, pay tax and are expected to operate their business like any other but don’t get the support or protection they deserve. Being properly recompensed for their work is empowering for them and a basic human right. They in turn can invest back in their businesses equalling higher quality content for their subscribers.
Even though porn is getting more mainstream recognition, it still isn’t perceived as a legitimate industry. In turn making creators somewhat lesser human beings whose worth and value is not respected. This acts to validate the normality of watching looted content. In turn delegitimizing the industry. It’s a vicious cycle that needs to be broken.
7. Support Sex Workers & End the Cycle Of Shame
It reduces the stigma and slut shaming associated with sex work and the collective societal embarrassment of watching adult content. It’s perfectly natural to want to view consensual/moderate/safe adult images. If you steal content: you continue the delegitimization of the industry; compound the mindset that watching porn is sleazy and shameful; and disrespect the work and value of creators.
8. It’s Not Expensive
Paying to view kinky porn is not expensive. Even the highest priced members’ or fan sites are less than £6/$7 a week – that’s about the cost of one bottle of pub/bar beer.
9. It’s Private & Discreet
Nearly every site processes credit card transactions through an intermediary or innocuously named vendor account.
10. It Protects The Young (& Those that don’t want it Popping up Everywhere)
We all agree children and young people should not have access to adult material – but kids are not paying for it from reputable providers!!! They access it because it is so ubiquitous and freely available. By supporting free sites this enables an unacceptable free open-access policy. Paying for porn keeps it behind paywall – this is what actual content producers want!!!
(Reputable producers keep age verification proof on file, take consent videos from all their performers and embed their sites with parental filtering software.)
Please support The English Mansion a female run & owned business! And all the amazing female Dommes who work with us. So, if you have ever watched a domme on a free tube or torrent site, atone now by going and joining her fan page/buying clips to support her!
See here for all our dommes links
See here for my introduction to this blog:
Seedy, Shameful & Criminal: A History of Buying Porn
Dear Mistress.
Thats a thoughtful list and I 100% agree with the content but check out Paltego’s comments about OnlyFans (femdom-resource.com, 17 May 22). It seems there may be problems not far over the horizon with this particular site
Hello, Mistress Sidonia. i was wondering if You are accepting new slaves for online training to effect behavior modification. Thank You very much.
slave gary
That is a well constructed document and I totally agree with its content. The sex industry should be on par with the IT industry or manufacturing due to the amount of revenue it creates for the treasury .