Under the penalty of perjury, by pressing the 'ENTER' graphic above I confirm that. I am an adult, 18 years of age or older (21 years of age in some US jurisdictions). I am requesting and agree to view sexually explicit material for my personal use in my private home or office. I am not offended by sexually explicit material or consensual adult sado-masochistic activities. I am legally able to download such items according to the laws by which I am governed. I personally and without coercion will make selections of such material and these images. I will not exhibit these images to minors or anyone else who might be offended by them. I will not redistribute, reproduce, sell or post/upload/web share any content from this site anywhere. I release and discharge the providers, owners and creators of this site from any and all liability which might arise. I agree fully to this site's 'Terms & Conditions'. If you are NOT yet 18 (or 21 in some US jurisdictions), if adult material offends you, or if you are accessing this site from any country or locale where adult material is prohibited by law, PLEASE LEAVE NOW.
Plain English Warning: This site contains material unsuitable for any person below 18 years of age or anyone who is offended by images containing nudity, sexual acts and consensual adult sado-masochistic activities.
This Site is Unsuitable for Minors & Children
We take child protection seriously, this site is labelled using the ASACP's & SafeSurf 's Restricted to Adults rating systems recognised by parental filtering software to prevent minors accessing this site. The English Mansion is OPPOSED to all images of child sexual abuse. Fight child abuse by reporting images and abuse to the ASACP.
Parents please use these filtering programs to block adult only material from your children.
CyberSitter | Cyber Patrol | Net Nanny & see also Google Advice for Online Child Safety
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